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Współpracujemy z wysoko wykwalifikowaną kadrą. Tworzą ją pracownicy naukowo – dydaktyczni uczelni a także uznani praktycy i specjaliści z różnych dziedzin, z instytucji publicznych i firm partnerskich. Wykorzystując swoje doświadczenia zawodowe, pokazują praktyczny wymiar wiedzy i umiejętności zdobywanych w trakcie kształcenia. Wszystko po to, aby teoria zawsze szła w parze z praktyką. Dzięki współpracy WSIE z instytucjami publicznymi i prywatnymi firmami będziesz miał możliwość odbycia praktyk studenckich w miejscu, które może się stać Twoim przyszłym miejscem pracy.

London based

Business Litigation & Appellate Work

Matters handled
Clients referred
Specialist Solicitors

Founded in 2000 with trust

Commercial Law Firm with a Commitment to Innovation

Today, Barry’s is on the cusp of continued global expansion with over 100,000 members working out weekly in studios in over a dozen different countries.

Innovation and client focused our Practice Area

Trychologia - NOWOŚĆ

Achieve the best possible outcome though no attorney can

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Brings together over 300 years of legal Area of Expertise

Our firm’s culture of supporting our clients is very important to us and we work hard to nurture and develop it. We will go on a journey with you

Employment and Finance

Our firm’s culture of supporting our clients is very important to us and we work hard to nurture and develop it novel problem solving.

Over $1,700,000

Our firm’s culture of supporting our clients is very important to us and we work hard to nurture and develop it novel problem solving.

Over $1,700,000

Our firm’s culture of supporting our clients is very important to us and we work hard to nurture and develop it novel problem solving.

Over $1,700,000

Thomas D. West, Co-founder, iRX LLC

We represent our clients’ interests on the highest EU levels. Our firm combines former top EU officials, leading EU politicians and high profile EU attorneys. We combine legal expertise…

Thomas D. West, Co-founder, iRX LLC

We represent our clients’ interests on the highest EU levels. Our firm combines former top EU officials, leading EU politicians and high profile EU attorneys. We combine legal expertise…

Thomas D. West, Co-founder, iRX LLC

We represent our clients’ interests on the highest EU levels. Our firm combines former top EU officials, leading EU politicians and high profile EU attorneys. We combine legal expertise…

Local knowledge with global experience

The demand and appetite for improvements in technology is not only driven by the healthcare practitioners, but also increasingly

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We have grown faster than any other law firm this century

The demand and appetite for improvements in technology is not only driven by the healthcare practitioners, but also increasingly